Green Infrastructure & Urban Revitalization: Linking Smart Growth, Resilience and Watershed Restoration

April 22, 2015   9:15 am – 4:30 pm

SUNY Orange – Kaplan Hall Great Room, Newburgh, NY

This workshop will focus on diverse initiatives for incorporating green infrastructure in planning, education, watershed restoration, smart growth and resilience initiatives for small cities and other community centers in the region.  Presentations will describe case studies of completed and planned projects in neighborhoods and watersheds in several communities, and for protection of Newburgh’s drinking water watersheds; innovative management and monitoring strategies and emerging trends in the GI sector; links to education for youth, including greening schoolyards and playgrounds and a new fitness and wellness trail linked to public access along the Quassaick Creek; and GI for wastewater planning, environmental justice, and protection of the Hudson River and its tributaries.

Featured speakers include:  Paul Beyer, Director of Smart Growth, NY State Department of State Office of Planning and Development; Mary Alice Lee, Director, NYC Playgrounds Program, Trust for Public Land; Pete Soscia, Senior Associate Vice President, SUNY Orange; Marcus Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, OptiRTC, Inc.; Jason Morris, City Engineer, City of Newburgh; Pat Pomeroy, Executive Director, Hudson Valley Regional Council; Theo Barbagianis, Senior Project Engineer, eDesign Dynamics Inc.; Todd Walter, Associate Professor, Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University; Rich Schiafo, Deputy Director, Hudson Valley Regional Council; Maureen Krudner, Region 2 Green Infrastructure Coordinator, US EPA; Emily Vail, Watershed Outreach Specialist, NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program; Simon Gruber, Green Infrastructure Consultant, Hudson Valley Regional Council; Peter Smith, Quassaick Creek Watershed Alliance; and Emilie Hauser, Estuary Training Program Coordinator, NYS DEC, Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve and NEIWPCC.

To register for this event go to

The fee for this conference is $30, including lunch and refreshments.

For more information email or call 845-564-4075.

This program is being kindly hosted by the SUNY Orange Sustainability Committee.

Sponsored by the Hudson Valley Regional Council, with funding from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.